Servicios Especializados REPSE
Specialized Service REPSE

Focus on your Core Business and leave all those activities that are NOT part of your corporate purpose in the hands of our experts

Achieve higher levels of efficiency, generate savings and optimize processes based on the experience of a trusted partner. Evenplan offers you its REPSE Specialized Services.

All our Specialized Services are carried out under a Compliance and fully auditable system. We have REPSE (Registro de Prestadoras de Servicios Especializados u Obras Especializados) and STPS (Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social) registrations.

If you are a foreign company without presence in Mexico, our Specialized Services are an ideal solution for you. Explore opportunities in a new market and develop a team abroad.

Servicios REPSE, Evenplan

Allow Evenplan to enhance the value of your operation through:

by Evenplan

Accounting & Auditing
Tax & Legal

Sales & marketing
by Evenplan

Marketing & Digital Marketing
Business Intelligence
Market Research

by Evenplan

Oil & Gas

by Evenplan

Organizational Development
Recruitment Process
Talent Management
Specialized Trainees
Mentoring & Coaching

Todos nuestros Servicios Especializados se llevan acabo bajo un sistema 100% Compliance y totalmente auditable. Contamos con los registros REPSE y STPS.

Si eres una empresa del extranjero sin presencia en México, nuestros servicios especializados son una excelente solución para ti.

Explora un nuevo mercado y desarrolla un equipo de trabajo sin preocuparte por los procesos administrativos. Deja en manos de nuestros expertos todas aquellas actividades que NO son parte de tu objeto social.

Expats Service

The global mobility of Human Talent is crucial for your company’s development and growth. With Evenplan you can achieve an organic, personalized and guided transition to send your best human resources to build new projects in Mexico.

Create your own work team in an organized way. Simplify expatriate management with our Specialized Services, we guarantee a successful transition.

Take your organization to new challenges and specialize your business with your foreign talent.

Benefits for your company

Increase your competitiveness and productivity

The expertise of our Specialized Services quickly delivers the quality and value you need.

Aligned to your company's needs

All our services work completely aligned to your objectives and cultural fit.

Adhering to current legislation

We have REPSE and STPS registrations; reducing any type of risk.

Work with the best human talent

All our personalized services have a high level of experience and professionalism.

Personalized service

Assignment of an administrative executive who assures the continuity and assure quality of the service delivered.

Benefits adds

100% auditable and tax-deductible service. Life insurance for employees.

Increase your competitiveness and expand your team to Mexico through our Expat Service

Confidence and security

We are a compliance company, we ensure that all procedures are aligned with Mexican regulations.

Legal and treasury procedures

We take care of all aspects of international mobility, from visas to tax obligations.

Management of travel expenses

We ensure the quality and security of travel expenses, accommodation and transportation for each expatriate.

Focus on your Core Business while we improve your processes through our areas of expertise

Boost and develop your projects professionally, quickly and within the legal framework of operations through our Specialized Services.

Evenplan 35 Aniversario

We have more than 30 years of experience in Human Resources Management, and have worked for over 70 national and transnational companies that endorse our professionalism and quality service.